Our Animal-Assisted Therapy Services

Learn about the services we offer at Home Safari – Animal Assisted Therapy.

AAT and AAI sessions

Home Safari Animal Assisted Therapy provides AAT and AAI sessions for various conditions.

Working within the NHS and the private sector, we tailor sessions to each individual’s needs. Moreover, we work with health practitioners to create and facilitate sessions with activities or interactions that meet individual goals. Therefore, informal AAI is always popular; it’s an excellent aid to communication and a good talking point. As a result, health professionals and practitioners recognize that Animal Therapy benefits our health and well-being. Plus, it improves:

  • Interpersonal skills
  • Community living skills
  • Vocationally relevant skills
  • Social interaction skills
  • As part of graded exposure and anxiety management plan
  • Meaningful leisure activities
  • Engagement in community services outside of the NHS
  • Reintegration back into the community

Clinical teams recognise the valuable input and interactions animals have with our service users. They also acknowledge the positive effect it has on a person’s mental health. What’s more, research evidence supports these effects, which we’ve observed ourselves.

We’ve engaged challenging patients and have used our group facilitation skills to form professional relationships with people in our care. Hence, our sessions are goal-orientated and research exists to support using pets in mental health rehabilitation. Furthermore, we’ve worked in CAHMS to Medium secure wards, including Forensic and PICU.

We also work with brain injury patients. And by working with OTS developing programs, we help and encourage movements while building each individual’s confidence and social skills. Consequently, this offers a welcome distraction from pain and infirmity.

AAT and Autism

Many parents are often surprised when they see the connection their autistic child can have with an animal. Likewise, some notice that their child becomes playful, focused, and happier when around a pet. Hence, being around house pets or introduced to therapy animals in a safe structured way aids physical and emotional health.

Animal-Assisted Therapy might be as simple as a household pet visiting, or a more structured and focused therapy. Moreover, animals can be amazing for autistic children and they, as well as the animals, can relate to each other. Therefore, this helps with their physical and emotional well-being.

Reading Dogs

A black reading dog

Encouraging struggling child readers to read to dogs helps build
their confidence. And research suggests children, especially those who struggle, can be nervous and stressed when reading aloud in class.

Home Safari’s Read to a Dog scheme says overcoming fear and fostering a love of reading helps improve literacy.

Dogs also play a major role, as they’re the perfect listeners. Plus, they’re non-judgemental, attentive, and offer encouragement. As a result, this helps build self-esteem, and so makes dogs perfect for
the job. In addition, the children or child sits down and strokes the dog. By doing so, their blood pressure lowers and they create a relaxed state.

Recent research shows children who read to pet dogs learn faster than those who read aloud to adults.

“Reading to the dogs gives them confidence and enables them to communicate”.

Animal Handling Course and Work Experience

Cheron, Co-founder of Home Safari
We’ve designed this course to meet each individuals’ needs. The course runs for 12 days over 6 or 12 weeks, whichever you prefer.


  • Reptile handling and education (2 days)
  • Mammal handling and education (2 days)
  • Bird handling and education (2 days)
  • Work experience and certificate of achievement (5 days)
  • The final day leads towards a 1-hour presentation at a venue (1 day)

We supervise clients as they work within the team and learn general pet care with hands-on experience with pets.

The course aims to:

  • Increase self-esteem
  • Decrease anxiety or loneliness
  • Increase verbal communication
  • Develop social skills
  • Increase willingness to join in activities
  • Improve interactions with others
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Community living skills
  • Vocationally relevant skills
  • Social interaction skills
  • As part of graded exposure and anxiety management plans
  • Meaningful leisure activities
  • Engagement in community services outside of the NHS
  • Reintegration back into the community

Designed for CAHMS, the course has a small charge per person.

Association of Holistic Complementary Practitioners Logo

Qualified Therapist’s and Members of Association of Holistic Complementary Practitioners.

Interested in Animal-Assisted Therapy?

Just send us a message, using the form below, if you've any questions or wish to book an appointment.


Landline:    01704 635245

Mobile 1:   07507109996

Mobile 2:   07842713064

Office:         07752447111