Leading the field in Animal-Assisted Therapy

Working within both the NHS and the private sector.

What is Animal-Assisted Therapy?

Animal-assisted therapy helps someone recover from, or cope with, a mental health condition or a disorder.

Benefits of ATT

Therapy with animals offers many benefits. These include:
  • Improve fine motor skills
  • Increase self-esteem
  • Decrease anxiety and loneliness
  • Improve assisted or independent movement
  • Develop social skills
  • Increase willingness to join activities
  • Improve interactions with others
  • Motivate willingness to exercise

Benefits of AAT

Therapy with animals provides many benefits. These include:
  • Improve fine motor skills
  • Increase self-esteem
  • Decrease anxiety and loneliness
  • Improve assisted or independent movement
  • Develop social skills
  • Increase willingness to join activities
  • Improve interactions with others
  • Motivate willingness to exercise

Our Services

Click the button below for details about the services Home Safari offers. These include reading dogs and animal handling courses.

Meet the Team

Get to know the faces behind Home Safari.

Home Safari Video

We use various animals in our therapy sessions, and all are our pets.

We’ve reached the NHS in the North West Excellence in Supply Awards finals 3 times in the last several years.

NHS Excellence in Supply Awards 2014
The NHS in the North West Excellence in Supply Awards 2015
The NHS in the North West Excellence in Supply Awards 2017
Highly Commended The NHS in the North West Excellence in Supply Awards 2017

Interested in Animal-Assisted Therapy?

Just send us a message, using the form below, if you've any questions or wish to book an appointment.


Landline:    01704 635245

Mobile 1:   07507109996

Mobile 2:   07842713064

Office:         07752447111